Today CBD is being credited with changing the health and lives of both humans and their pets.  Since its legalization, researchers have been working hard to understand its full potential. The evidence in new studies opines that CBD serves as a panacea for a wide array of ailments in both humans and pets. These recent findings and scientific breakthrough centered on the CBD have made many pet parents employ and, of course, use CBD for their pet’s health and wellness routine.

CBD: For Wellness of Humans and Their Pets

Engineered by years of extensive research, CBD is just the panacea we all have been waiting for, especially for the wellness of our pets. Although pets cannot use CBD produced for humans, there are many products just for pet consumption and flavored just for pets. Like humans, pets have an endocannabinoid system, charged with keeping various functions in balance and at homeostasis. With that in mind, the consumption of CBD for pets works the same way as it does for humans, which is, interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which improves its functionality.

The Rise of CBD for Pets

The rise in popularity of CBD has meant a slow decline in the demand for prescription drugs for pets as well as veterinarian services. With proper usage instructions, pet parents can easily navigate their way when it comes to dosage and uses. Without the numerous side effects associated with prescription drugs, CBD is a wonderfully natural product that is, of course, void of harmful side effects to pets.

CBD: The Panacea for Pets

The effectiveness of CBD for humans is one of the most exciting natural breakthroughs in recent times. There is evidence for the potency and natural homeopathic powers of CBD, for pain, insomnia, anxiety, anxiety-related disorders, and many more. As useful as CBD is for humans, it is also a potent panacea for a wide array of pets ailments. Research shows evidence that it helps a full variety of ailments affecting the wellbeing of our most cherished pet(s). Some of which include:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Neurological disorders
  • Tumors
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of appetite or anorexia
  • Cancer
  • Aggression

CBD Dosage for Pets

While most prescription drugs administered to pets have similar methods of administration, CBD, on the other hand, comes with a multitude of dosing methods. With the most common being

  • Applying under the tongue of the pet
  • Giving your pet a CBD enhanced pet treat.
  • Add CBD extract to your pet’s current favorite Non-CBD treat.
  • Better still combine the CBD  extract with your pet’s food

Dr. Robert J Silver, a licensed veterinarian and member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, stated that when “using CBD for pets, starting with a smaller dosage is key.” He termed this process, the “tiered dosage.” to get the best results whenever you dose pets with CBD, always begin with a small dosage before upping it over time for effective results.

Final Note

Pet parents make use of this method, considering there is less risk of overdosing the pet(s) with the CBD at one go. With that said, pet parents should get in touch with their veterinarian to help guide them through every step of the treatment process.


Mike McCoy – author